

Frank Love English 2 2022-12-23
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You are in charge of your life, and I want you to go win. I want you to sit down tonight. If you haven’t already done it and lay out some detailed goals. See, when you change the way you look at things, the things your look at change. When you change the way you look at your life, your life will change.
你主宰你的生活, 我希望你能赢,希望你今夜能坐下来,如果你还没有起航,列出你的详细目标。看到了吗?当你改变看待事情的方式,你的生活就会改变。当你改变看待自己生活的方式,你的生活将会改变。

Every day we have a choice when we wake up. We can focus on whats wrong with our lives or we can focus on whats right with our lives. You have to change the person in your mirror. You gotta have that moment like my friend Les Brown, the great motivator says. When you finally say  I am sick and tired of being sick and tired!  Ive had it .
每天我们起床时都有一个选择,我们可以把注意力集中在我们生活中的问题,或者我们可以专注于生活中好的一面。你需要改变镜子里 的那个人。你需要有这样一瞬间,就像我的一个朋友,伟大的激励者Les Brown 说的,我厌倦了这种虚弱和疲劳的状态。我受够了。

Most people do the  Someday Im gonna, Someday I want to, well that someday is today. Make that decision get clarity on what you want and take that action plan. Focusing on what’s right our lives rather than what’s wrong with our lives, it’s the best way to fix what’s wrong with our lives。You know, the people that have goals, that’s great.

You know, the people that have goals, this great. There is the type of people who have verbal goals or the type of people who have written goal. The key to achieving anything is to have a written goal with a precise date that youre presently moving towards thats the definition of success. You need to not look for others for permission to do you. You need to do you and just trust that will be okay. You need to be a game changer. You need to not ask for permission. You need to give notice. Most things in life that are worthwhile you gotta work at. You gotta work at, you get out what you put in. As simple as that. Thats a kind of a universal law.


80% of your success is determined by only 20% of your actions. If youre staying the same, you might as well be going backward. Everyone else, Everything else is changing and evolving every day. So, what are you working on that make you better tomorrow. Then you were than you make up this morning. What new skills are you building? What strength are you improving? Whats next in your business or your career.

The problem is no one ever teaches us, How to master ourselves, how to master our beliefs and our behaviors and our attitudes and our actions. And know how to line those two things up to meet and to direct us toward the desired outcomes in our lives. No one teaches us how to do that. It is the process that you need to go through that will afford your the transformation you desire in order to achieve the results and the accomplishment and the success you want in your life. 

You have to want to pay the price to win. And theres always a price to be paid, when youre going to win. Life is gonna be tough, youre gonna have stress、anxiety、depression、anger. Youre gonna have financial difficulties, youre gonna have marriage difficulties, youre gonna have business difficulties. But you gotta get back up. You have to be willing to fail a hundred times to successed once. And if youre not gonna do that man, youre not gonna even get a fraction of what youre looking for.


motivator[ˈmoʊtəveɪtər]  n.操纵机构;操纵装置;(飞行器的)舵;操纵面;激励者

motivate 激发,激励 + or 名词后缀,表人或物 —— 操纵机构,操纵者

mot 动 + ive + ate + or

motivate [ˈmoʊtɪveɪt]  v.成为…的动机;是…的原因;推动…甘愿苦干;激励;激发;(就所说的话)给出理由;说明…的原因

motiv〔e〕动机 + ate 动词后缀 —— 使有动机 —— 推动

motive [ˈmoʊtɪv]  n.动机;原因;目的 adj.发动的;导致运动的

mot 动 + ive 名词或形容词后缀 —— 动机

例句:There seemed to be no motive for the murder.


motivation [ˌmoʊtɪˈveɪʃn]  n.动机;动力;诱因

②clarity [ˈklærəti]  n.清晰;清楚;明确;清晰的思维(或理解)能力;(画面、物质或声音的)清晰,清澈

clar 清楚的,明白的 +  ity 名词后缀 —— 清澈;清晰

clarity of thought/purpose/vision


clarify[ˈklærəfaɪ]  v.使更清晰易懂;阐明;澄清;(尤指通过加热使黄油)纯净,净化

clar 清楚的,明白的 + ify 动词后缀 —— 澄清;阐明

I hope this clarifies my position .


③verbal [ˈvɜːrbl]  adj.文字的;言语的;词语的;口头(而非书面)的;动词的

verb 言,语 + al 形容词后缀 —— 词语的

The job applicant must have good verbal skills.


precise [prɪˈsaɪs]  adj. 准确的;确切的;精确的;明确的;(强调时间或方式等)就,恰好;细致的;精细的;认真的;一丝不苟的

pre 预先 + cis 切;杀 + e —— 预先切好的 —— 精确的


precise details/instructions/measurements


My friend, your life, my life, our life always moves in a direction of our strongest thoughts and behaviors. And if you never take the opportunity to stay and to become congruent. My friend, you will always miss the mark, but when you learn how to line up your attitude and you actions and make it spot on he desired results that you want. My fried, thats the step two in the process of the practice of self-mastery.


Success is earned. If you really wanna know the secret of success okay. I publish Success Magazine, I gonna tell your right now the secret to success. Here it is, success is earned by hard freaking work, hard freaking work. If you ask the circle of champions up here. How did you do it? How did you get to the top? How did you become so successful. Their answer are always going to be 3 words. Hard freaking work. Theres no other way around it. Dont quit, Author unknown, Because everyday when things go wrong as they sometimes will. When the road that youre trudging seems all uphill. When care is pressing you down a bit rest if you must but dont you quit. Life is strange with its twist and turns. As every one of us sometimes learns.

If you dont make the choice in your own life, then someone else is gonna end up making them for you, and it wont be good, so it might be your boss, it might be a professor, it might be parents, it might be colleagues. Someone else, maybe a company, someone else is gonna start making choice for you, and theyre not gonna be as the choices you can make yourself. The reason why most people arent as successful as they could be is because they have not made a decision to take action on the things that they know how to do best. They have not taken the decision to commit to doing the simple things over and over again. That will separate them or distance them from everyone else. You see, most people dont cross the finish line with their goals and their dreams, not because they dont have the ability or the resources or the relationships. More often than that its because at some point they allow themselves not to be care more than normal and more than necessary.


congruent [ˈkɑːŋɡruənt]  adj.全等的;叠合的;适合的;适当的;恰当的;相称的

con 强调 ,gru 刮,磨,掉落,词源同grit,grind。原意指掉到一起,相称的,后来用于几何学术语指全等三角形。congruent triangles

 [ˈkɑːŋɡruənt ˈtraɪˌæŋgəlz]  全等(叠合)三角形。

They want to work in an organisation whose values are congruent with their own.


Have you ever been in a situation where you just felt like you were at that opportunity and you were trying to figure out. If you were gonna move on in the night, you just got to a point to where things were getting confusing and things were going on and you just werent quite sure.

Hey, should I go ahead and that opportunity or not. Are you one of the people that see other people going around. You see other people being successful and doing some things. You are trying to figure out Why come Is that,why isnt that me , why isnt that you. And if you ever wanted to,in your life make significant things happen and get tough things done if you ever had a life where you realize that You outward experiences and results currently in your life doesnt actually match the potential you know thats resting on the inside of you. Then, my friend, you need to know how to engage in the practice of self-mastery.


If you keep doing what youre been doing youre gonna keep getting what youre been getting. If you dont like where you are need to change the recipe. That is your life. You gotta change what youre doing. You dont get to the end of your life and say Wow thats accidentally occurred. Most of the things that happened in your life are things you planted in the ground and they grew a harvest in your life. And if you dont plant anything in your life—called your life, you know what grows weeds. You gotta take responsibility for where youre at in your life. And go from there even if where youre at isnt your own fault. See, I understand bad things happen to people. You have poisonous people come into your life, that leave you in a bad situation. But you have to make the decision, that youre gonna take responsibility right here, right now, today, and move and grow from there.

Stop look for the quick fix for success, happiness and wealth. There is not shortcut, theres no cliff notes, theres no quick fix. Youre going to walk through a minefield, day in and day out of hard freaking work. Because success is earned one day at a time. Everyday you lift your head up off the pillow. You gonna decide whether that day you are a success or whether you are a failure. Youre either moving forward or youre falling behind. If youre accepted that where you are is where you are going to be, youre already lost. And theres no power in that. Theres no power in that, thats like staying right here. Youre not popping the clutch, youre not going forward.


⑥significant [sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt]  adj.有重大意义的;显著的;有某种意义的;别有含义的;意味深长的

sign记号 + i 连字符 + fic 做 + ant 形容词后缀 → 有意义的


It is significant that girls generally do better in examinations than boys.


⑦engage [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ]  v.吸引住(注意力、兴趣);雇用;聘用;与…建立密切关系;尽力理解,同源词有:wage、wedding、mortgage……

en 进入,使 + gage 承诺 —— 承诺——吸引、雇佣、参加

mortgage [ˈmɔːrɡɪdʒ]  n.按揭(由银行等提供房产抵押借款);按揭贷款  v.(向银行等)抵押(房产)

mort 死亡 + gage 承诺 —— 以死亡为保证的贷款——按揭贷款


⑧recipe[ˈresəpi]  n.烹饪法;食谱;方法;秘诀;诀窍

re 往回 + cip 抓住 + e 名词后缀 —— 往回抓 —— 处方、食谱


What's her recipe for success?



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